Президент України Володимир Зеленський потрапив на обкладинку журналу Time. Це вперше український президент опиняється на головній сторінці видання.

Фото президента та його інтерв’ю журналістові Саймону Шустеру з’явиться у міжнародній версії журналу. 

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A year is a long time in #politics. Long enough in the case of Volodymyr Zelensky, the comedian elected President of #Ukraine, to go from the set of his sitcom in #Kyiv to the biggest political drama in the world, the one in which an American President may wind up getting impeached. The Democrats have cast Zelensky as the victim of President #Trump’s abuse of power, even as Republicans treat him as the witness key to proving Trump’s innocence. Neither role is anywhere close to what Zelensky imagined for himself when he announced his run for the presidency on New Year’s Eve, although he knew the job would be tough if he won, and often very unpleasant. Ukraine has been at war with #Russia for the past five years, and his priority as President would be to stop that war from taking any more lives—a toll that is now more than 13,000 and counting. That task would mean confronting Vladimir #Putin. But Zelensky also wondered early on about Trump and the challenges of working with him. “What’s he like?” he asked TIME's Simon Shuster when they first met in March. “Normal guy?” The 41-year-old seemed confident, even cocky, in planning to win Trump over with little more than a wisecrack and a smile. “We’ll figure it out,” he told Shuster. “I’m sure we’ll get along.” Things have turned out rather differently. Read this week's full International cover story at the link in bio. Photograph by @paolopellegrin—@magnumphotos for TIME

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Стаття Саймона Шустера має назву The Man in the Middle («Людина посередині»). На обкладинці написано: «Український президент Володимир Зеленський про те, як бути між Путіним і Трампом».

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